Second Circular
Dear colleagues,
we are looking forward to welcoming you in Prague and we would like to send you some practical information. The conference will take place at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Celetná 20, Prague 1) between September 10 and 13, 2018.
If you would like to do some minor changes in your submitted abstract, you need to send us a revised version by June 30 by latest at crossroads.conference.2018@gmail.com
For those presenting a poster, we would like to inform you that your poster can be at maximum 70x100 cm (up to A1 size) and all posters have to follow a UNESCO convention of 1970 (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/illicit-trafficking-of-cultural-property/1970-convention/ ).
Since Prague is a very touristic center and September is still considered high season, we recommend booking your accommodation in advance and the same holds for transportation. The conference will take place in the city center, so we would suggest finding an accommodation not too far from it. The city is however very well served by trams and buses, and it is very easy to move around. Prague can be reached by airplane, train and bus. Different options are available for each of them. For more info on public transportation see https://crossroadsconferen.wixsite.com/crossroads3/travel-tips
In order to complete your registration we would like to ask you to make your payment of the conference fee (90€ standard, 60€ student) directly by means of the Faculty online shop at https://online.ff.cuni.cz/kopla/faces/view/payment.xhtml?purpose=11081 (standard fee) or https://online.ff.cuni.cz/kopla/faces/view/payment.xhtml?purpose=11082 (reduced fee for students). Please, do not forget to fill your name and e-mail address to the relevant fields. You will get an official statement on your payment in your conference materials upon arrival. In the past, we have encountered several issues with this payment gate so please, if you receive a message that the payment was not made, ignore it and just send us a note. Thank you very much for your understanding.
Details about the schedule of the talks and the extras we are preparing for you will follow. Please, feel free to ask us for any information you may need.
Looking forward to seeing you at the conference.
Jana MynáÅ™ová
Sergio Alivernini
Dana BÄ›lohoubková
Marwan Kilani