Preliminary Programme
last update August 11, 2018
Sunday, September 9
Registration (Czech Institute of Egyptology, Celetná 20, Prague 1, 4th floor)
Monday, September 10
Registration (conference venue, Celetná 20, Prague 1, Green Hall)
Conference opening
Clemens Reichel, “Human instincts, canine intelligence, and monkey features”: the Gutians and other “mountain people” in Mesopotamian and 20th century scholarly perspectives.
Seth Richardson, On Aliens and Alienation: the “stranger” as an historically particular concept
11:45-14:00 Lunch
Regine Pruzsinszky, The Contact Zone along the Middle Euphrates during the Late Bronze Age: Movement, Interaction, and Transaction
Elena Devecchi, A reluctant servant: Ugarit under foreign rule during the Late Bronze Age
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
Kevin McGeough, “The Men of Ura are a Heavy Burden Upon Your Subject!”: The Administration and Management of Strangers and Foreigners in Ugarit
Jana MynáÅ™ová, Are You an Egyptian? Are You a Stranger?
Tuesday, September 11
Melanie Wasmuth, Cultural identity as research approach: conceptualizing the semantic field of ‘othering’
Emanuel Pfoh, Assessing Foreignness and Politics in the Late Bronze Age Levant
Edward M. Cole, Ethnic enclaves: A modern understanding of how migratory groups preserve ethnic identity as a potential explanation for the Libyans' retention of a non-Egyptian identity in the late New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
Laura A. Peri, Foreign Names or Names of Foreigners: The Northern Presence in the Southern Levant in the 2nd Millennium BCE
Marta Pallavidini, The metaphorization of foreign rulers as allies or enemies in the Hittite diplomatic texts
12:00-14:00 Lunch
Marwan Kilani, Foreign metals, foreign words – Mapping and contextualizing metal related (loan)words in the Bronze Age Levant.
Stephen P. Harvey, Representations of Foreigners in the Battle Reliefs of King Ahmose at Abydos
Nadia Ben-Marzouk – Danielle Candelora, Integrating the Immigrant: Examining the Social Implications and Interactions of Foreign Specialists Settling Abroad
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
Caleb Hamilton, Egyptians as foreigners in the Western Desert during the Early Dynastic period.
Susan Cohen, Not so vile? Rhetoric and reality in Egyptian-Levantine relationships in Sinai in the Old and Middle Kingdoms
19:00 Reception
Wednesday, September 12
Katrien De Graef, When in Elam do as the Elamites. How the Adaptation of Mesopotamian Cultural Traits Helped Shape the Elamite Identity
Anne Goddeeris, A Sumerian Stronghold. Does the temple in Old Babylonian Nippur welcome foreigners?
Oya TopçuoÄŸlu, “A foreign plague, not of the flesh of the city Aššur:” Šamši-Adad I as a foreign king and his visual strategy of legitimization and unification
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
YaÄŸmur Heffron, Archaeological correlates of Assyrian presence in Anatolia in the Middle Bronze Age
Ilgi Gercek, Hatti and the Outside World
Conference Photo
12:30-14:00 Lunch
15:30 & 16:00
Visit to Clementinum (for more info see http://www.klementinum.com/en/)
Thursday, September 13
Federico Zangani, Foreign-Indigenous Interactions in the Late Bronze Age Levant: Tuthmosid Imperialism and the Origin of the Amarna Diplomatic System
Christian Langer, Deportation Policies and Foreigners in Late Bronze Age Egypt
Marta Valerio, The Egyptians’ ambivalent relationship with foreigners: the case of the prisoners of war
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
Marcin Czarnowicz, Krzysztof Ciałowicz, Yuval Yekutieli, Agnieszka Ochał Czarnowicz, Eliahu Cohen-Sasson, Strangers in the house(?) The foreigners in Tel Erani, Israel
Krzysztof Cialowicz, The relations between Upper and Lower Egypt in the 4th Millennium BC. A view from Tell el-Farkha
12:00-14:00 Lunch
Manfred Bietak, How can we track the origins of foreign cults in Egypt: The example of Avaris/Tell el-Dab‘a
Sarah T. Vilain, The foreign trade of Tell el-Dab‘a during the Second Intermediate Period
Ann-Kathrin Jeske, An Egyptian’s footprint: Members of the Egyptian administration and military in LB I Southern Levant
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
Katharina Streit, The Foreigners on the Mound: Egyptian Presence at Tel Lachish during the Late Bronze Age
Felix Höflmayer, The Egyptian Presence in the Southern Levant during the Late Bronze Age: A Minimalist View
A stranger in the house. Final discussion and conference closing
Poster Session
Katarína Arias Kytnarová, Made by whom? Egyptian ceramic forms in the south Levant
Gaëlle Chantrain, About “egyptianity” and “foreignness” in literary texts. A context-sensitive lexical study.
Halely Harel, How Language Illustrates Cultural Change: Semitic Loanwords in the Second Intermediate Period and New Kingdom Egypt
Uroš Matić, Nubian troops and musicians in Egyptian military of the New Kingdom: A Reappraisal
Hannah L. Ringheim, “…Equipped with all their weapons and given instructions for battle:” Foreign Mercenary Activity in Bronze Age Egypt
Giulia Tucci, Depicting the Others: Late Bronze Age Southern Levant’s Cultural Identity and Adornment from the Egyptian View. Relity vs. Perception.