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Charles University
Bio: Jana Mynářová is an Assyriologist and Egyptologist (Ph.D. 2004, Charles University) interested in various aspects of the relations between Egypt and the Ancient Near East in the 2nd millennium BC, with special attention given to documents in Peripheral Akkadian from the Late Bronze Age. She is the author and co-author of several books and studies on the topic (Language of Amarna - Language of Diplomacy, Prague 2007). Presently, she carries a research project devoted to the study of Amarna cuneiform palaeography and recently she became a member of a multidisciplinary research project dealing with the collection of the Old Assyrian tablets at the Charles University. She is the main organiser of the Crossroads conferences (Prague 2010, 2014, 2018) devoted to study of interrelations among the ANE societies in the Bronze Age.

The Czech Academy of Sciences
Bio: Sergio Alivernini is a Research fellow at the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He studied at the Sapienza University of Rome, where he obtained his MA and PhD degrees in Assyriology, working on social and economic history and focusing on the administration structure called “mar-sa”, shipyard. His book, “La struttura amministrativa del mar-sa nella documentazione della Terza Dinastia di Ur,” (a revised version of his dissertation), explains the administrative management of the shipyard and the workers in charge of the construction and restoration of ships and boats. The result has been an overall analysis of the relationship between the “mar-sa” and other institutions, such as the orchards and mill.
During his studies, he worked also in Spain (Madrid - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas), UK (London - British Museum), and Germany (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität-Heidelberg). He is also involved in two archaeological projects in southern Iraq: the excavation of the Abu Tubairah site, and the monitoring of the Eridu site for excavation as a member the AMEr Project (the Iraqi-Italian Archaeological Mission at Eridu).
Charles University
Bio: Dana Bělohoubková has received her MA in Egyptology from the Czech Institute of Egyptology, as well as MA in Classical Archaeology and Ethnology from the Institute of Classical Archaeology, both situated at the Charles University in Prague. Currently, she is a PhD candidate at the Czech Institute of Egyptology working on a research topic ‘Manifestation of the Pharaoh in the 18th and 19th Dynasties’. Since 2013, she works at the same Institute as an assistant of a librarian. Her main research interest concerns the ideology of power during the New Kingdom Egypt. Since 2015, she is a member of an archaeological expedition to Abusir, specifically working in the cemeteries dated to the Old Kingdom and the Late Period respectively. She is also a member of the Late Period epigraphic team and a main researcher of a graduate student project ‘Texts for protection of the body recorded on inner sarcophagi of the Saite-Persian era from Abusir’, financed by the Charles University. She was also a member of The Colossi of Memnon and Amenhotep III Temple Conservation Project’s team in 2016.

Charles University
Marwan Kilani studied in Switzerland (Bachelor degree in Egyptology, archaeology and languages of the Mediterranean at the Universities of Neuchâtel and Geneva) and in the UK (MPhil in Egyptology at the University of Oxford). He obtained his PhD in 2017 from the University of Oxford with a thesis on the role, evolution and interactions of the city of Byblos during the Late Bronze Age. He is currently holding a PostDoc position at the Charles University in Prague within the frame of the Early Postdoc.Mobility fellowship granted by the Swiss National Science Foundation, with a project on social networks and sociocultural spaces in Northern Levant in the Amarna period. His work focuses on two main research interests: the study of cultural interactions and contact areas between ancient societies in the Ancient Near East, and the linguistics and the study of languages of the region, with particular attention to issues of historical phonology and vocalization, as well as borrowings, loanwords, substrates, and linguistic interactions.